Check Out my 2019-2020 Singing Season
Hello, dear readers!
This coming musical season I'll be back at two of my favorite singing destinations, the Elm Ensemble in Dexter, Michigan and the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra.
I have three gigs planned and you can read about them here according to date.
October 2019:
In October I'll be joining the Elm Ensemble for another Evensong, which is always such a lovely experience. We'll be singing a bit of German as well as other English-language pieces.
The Elm Ensemble is comprised of singers from the Dexter/Ann Arbor, MI area as well as singing friends from more distant locations like Milwaukee (me) and Minneapolis, MN. Some of us have sung together before and some of us are new, however it's one of the best groups of people I've sung with. Every weekend singing with Elm is like a weekend spent with good friends.
Check out the October Elm weekend here.
February 2020:
In February of 2020 I'll be singing with Elm again, however I don't have any details on that, so I've put up a placeholder event in the calendar.
Rest assured though, if you're looking for something to keep you warm on a cold winter afternoon in Michigan, we've got the soulful music for you.
April 2020:
In April I'll be trecking across two states to sing one new piece and one piece I've sung before. The new piece is Arvo Pärt's Stabat Mater and it's the solo trio version. I've only ever sung one Pärt piece before and this will be my first non-choral Pärt piece. It's good to challenge myself to learn a new piece.
The other piece, which I've sung several times before is Mozart's Requiem. After having sung several other pieces with Hannah Lu and having heard Stephen Bryant before, I'm really looking forward to this!
That's what I have in store for this season at this point. Check back in a bit or sign up for the mailing list (below) to find out about new concerts and blog posts.
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