Happy-as-Possible Holidays to you!

Happy Holidays from me to you!

I hope you can find a moment of quiet, a moment of stillness.

A moment free from the burden of this year.

A moment filled with a deep breath or a beautiful sight, a song that brings calm to your heart.

A moment of expansion, a moment of ease.

Happy-as-possible Holidays.

And to us all a better 2021.


Happy Holidays from Nicole Warner

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Listen to the Quarantine Phone Calls - I was a guest this a.m.

Yesterday the author and marketing pro Seth Godin opened up an Akimbo Coworking space. It's free coworking for people working at home and it's open through April 18th.

Of course I signed up.

And there I connected with Matthew Thompson, a podcaster from Northern Ireland. In a few hours' time he was able to schedule 15 interviews and today he has already posted 4 of them.

These are regular conversations between two people about life in general and how they're managing our current situation.


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Welcome to the New NicoleWarner.com!

Welcome, welcome!

This is the new NicoleWarner.com and I'm delighted you are here.

Up top you'll find the most frequently visited pages, from my bio to calendar, and over to the blog and media room.

I haven't rebuilt the photo galleries yet, because I'm still deciding how to best present them and where to put them in the menu.

All the blog posts have been moved to this site, however the links are different now, so there might be a few places you can only get to by searching; use the magnifyi…

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Happy Holidays to One and All!

Yes, this website has been very quiet, as I've been very (very) busy building my business GermanWithNicole.com.

Music is still a part of my life, however I've made the very responsible decision to stop trying to do everything all at once and decided that this website just has to wait. its. turn.

That doesn't mean I don't think of you all, however, because I do. :) I see the statistics and know that some of you still stop by occasionally to listen to the music and to check out what is(n't) new.


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New: Messiah with the SDSO in December 2017

If you haven't seen the calendar yet, you should pop over and check it out. This December I'll be rejoining the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra for Handel's Messiah on December 2nd.

The performance will take place at 7:00 p.m. and there is only one performance! So be sure to get your tickets now and book your hotel. It'll be a warm night of music in a cold month of the year.


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LISTEN: "Stabat mater" with the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra

At long last, now you can listen to the recording of the rest of the concert I sang with the fantastic soprano Hannah Lu and conductor Delta David Gier with the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra last season. The mp3s are now up in the Media Room and there are a LOT of recordings to listen to: I posted eight of the total 12 movements.

As I mentioned in my previous post where I linked to the recording of the Bach cantata I sang, this was a fantastic experience and I'm so proud and happy to share thi…

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2 Ways to Breathe More Deeply

We live in this time, in these bodies, in this world. And right now it's really hard.

Because we live in a culture of fear and in a culture of violence and sometimes it's really hard to hear your own voice inside your head.

Breathing deeply works against stress, against fear, and helps you connect with your inner voice, your inner wisdom.

If you, like so many of us, feel at a loss right now, start with this, it will clear your mind and give you your starting place.

Here are two ways to breat…

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LISTEN: Nicole's Bach Cantata 170 with the SD Symphony

In January of this year I sang with the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra for the first time. The solo piece I performed was Bach's Cantata 170 Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust, which translates roughly to "Pleasurable rest, beloved delight of the soul." The idea of the cantata is welcoming virtue into your heart while recognizing that most people choose to walk all over their neighbor, and ultimately finding a way to live in harmony with these virtues despite what other people are doing.

That i…

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Give it a rest.

It's time...to take a break.quarter-rest-black-no-stroke-hi

2014 has been quite a journey.

This year I've:

  • finished and announced this new website
  • traveled to Patagonia (Chile), Oregon, Milwaukee, and Virginia, MN (yeah, you know it's awesome up there)
  • started my own voice studio
  • started teaching in the after-school programs at one high school and soon will teach in another
  • sang my first World Premiere
  • sang "Les Nuits d'été" for the first time
  • rehearsed "Jesu, meine Freude" with my friends' infant cooing on my lap (that's a…

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3 Questions for Composer Olli Kortekangas

On August 3, 2014 I'll be singing at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis and it will be the World Premiere of "Kaksi vanhaa suomalaista virttä - Two Old Finnish Hymns" by Finnish composer Olli Kortekangas.

This is pretty exciting...well, actually it's thrilling!Composer Olli Kortekangas

I'm happy to introduce you to him! Here are 3 questions for Olli Kortekangas.


1. Who are you, Olli Kortekangas?

I'm 59 years old, and I've been writing music seriously since I was a teenager. I studied at the Sibelius Academy in Hel…

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