Check out the photos of Evensong in Dexter, MI last weekend
Our Easter Evensong in Dexter, Michigan (just west of Ann Arbor) was a delight! It was a weekend of singing, community and connecting people with music. This Evensong service also functioned as a fundraiser for a club at this church, it's called the Open Hearts Club; this club it will provide a safe, fun, and inclusive drop-in space for area youth.
I think we can all get behind that. ♥
Here's a photo showing all the wonderful people who were singing, including several folks I'd sung with previously in Minneapolis and several members of the church!
Beautiful people.
We sang a variety of Sacred Harp pieces, which you can read about here. It's early American music that taught scores of people how to sing and read music and it's a part of our history! The music was recorded and some of it might go up online. If and when it does, I'll be sure to post it here.
If you'd like to get on the mailing list for future performances, you can read about the Elm Ensemble here and sign up for their list by clicking the text at the bottom of the page.
And keep an eye on the Upcoming Performances on my site, as I'm surely headed back to Dexter for another heart-warming weekend of music-making. Plus the food at the Riverside Cafe was tasty and delicious, AND they had one of the posters up on the wall! The night before we ate at Aubree's and enjoyed delicious salads. Yum.
Good Food + Elm Ensemble = Good Times
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