As It Is In Heaven - Big-time conductor takes over small town church choir

This is a fantastic movie for music-lovers, choral-singers and music enthusiasts. A famous conductor, Daniel, falls ill and decides to return to his small hometown in Sweden to recover. The pastor asks Daniel to take over the church choir, full of vibrant characters. The moment Daniel takes over the choir, their lives change.

Each of the singers goes on their own journey, from the Pastor's Wife to the enthusiastic salesman from the town's largest store, and from the town gossip to Daniel's younger love interest. It's really an incredible story of returning to one's roots, sharing incredible musical experiences with others, and what music and a community through an ensemble can do for your life.

As It Is In Heaven is a beautiful movie, a courageous story, and it also has one of the most hauntingly beautiful songs in it, "Gabriella's Song." Watch the trailer and hear "Gabriella's Song" here: 


As it is in Heaven


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