Do Singers Get Paid For Singing?

YES! Just like the organist at your wedding, your child's piano teacher and your high school choir teacher, singers get paid for singing.

Singers add a special emotional, spiritual element to many occasions and they may already be working in music positions you're not aware of. Did you know that many church choirs have section leaders in the different voice parts? And that many private parties hire singers and other musicians for cocktail hours and general entertainment?

Here's a sampler list of all the different work that singers do:

  1. weddings
  2. private voice lessons
  3. church & temple services - as soloists, as paid section leaders, as guest musicians, as choir conductors...the list goes on!
  4. funerals & memorial services
  5. receptions, both private & public - from jazz to pop, some singers sing it all!
  6. orchestral concerts - from symphony orchestras to chamber orchestras and from chamber ensembles to community orchestras
  7. educational outreach - many singers earn their entire living with fascinating programs in schools and libraries
  8. concerts in-the-park
  9. rock bands
  10. singing the national anthem at sporting events
  11. making recordings
  12. voice-overs & jingles
  13. ensembles - this can range from multi-voice ensembles like Cantus, to small ensembles for weddings and memorial services
  14. community choirs - conducting & administrating
  15. other instruments - many singers also play another instrument and many also accompany their own students in recitals and at competitions; you remember Solo & Ensemble, don't you?
  16. piano tunings - every piano needs a tuning at least once a year

Remember, this is just a beginning list of all the work that's out there for singers. Can you think of other work singers do? Email me and I"ll blog about it!




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