Free German Diction Class
On April 7th I offered a free German Diction class for singers and voice teachers and it was an absolutely lovely time.
There were singers and teachers from Virginia to Colorado and from one part of Minnesota to another.
Here's what we covered (and all of this in 90 minutes!):
- how the German vowel:constant ratio differs from English
- how German children learn to read and how that instructs singers on German diction
- the Ich-Laut
- the Ach-Laut
- pronouncing the German "w" or /v/ sound
- an overview of the German vowels and diphthongs.
Everyone got to practice the sounds and receive coaching and I sent out a summary with practice points afterward. Here's what two of the participants said:
"I found it very intense-- in a fun way! Danke!"
And this was my favorite response:
You are awesome! As well as very organized.
Ahaha! Being organized is so very German of me. :)
I run German Diction coachings through my other website,
Click the button below to read the German Diction page and, if you want, to sign up for future German Diction classes.
Check out the German Diction page
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