Blog: Open Intervals


2 Super Cheap Recipes to help Singers Survive

Singers are usually on very stretched budgets, and now's the time to learn some reeeeeeally cheap recipes that are good now and in other, less interesting times. ;-)

This first one is new to me, the second recipe is for a lentil soup. A client of mine sent me this recipe a long time ago and it's good in all seasons, with different spices, etc. I freeze single portions and

1. Navajo Flatbread

(Found on FB via Joyce Larson and Brandon Johnson)

Navajo Flatbread:
Makes 6

2 cups flour
1 - 1 1/4…

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Don't Save Your Thanks for the Acceptance Speech

thanks-digital-calligraphy-hiWouldn't it be awesome to stand up in front of thousands of people in a packed hall and give an amazing speech saying thank you to everyone who has affected your life and career? And for it to be televised? And then jet off to your next destination, ready to take the stage, film the scene, give the next lecture.

That would be SO COOL.

Just like it would be SO COOL to win a big award like a Grammy. And then people start calling YOU.

That would be so awesome.

And it most surely is so awesome t…

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7 Music Puns to Make You Snort. Or Groan.

1. Music isn't for kids--it's full of sax and violins.


2. If I told you I loved you, would you love me Bach?



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4. My name is Franz, and you are on my Liszt.


5. If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it.


6. I think your G-String is a bit tight.



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Yep, insane is right! InsaneViolin

Words fail to describe this, really, you just need to watch. Sit back, turn up the speakers, and watch the whole thing.

The one thing you need to know:  this piece is a theme and variations, so it's a musical theme (a melody) that's presented and then Herr Roman Kim plays multiple variations on that theme. You'll still recognize parts of the original theme, but it might be played higher, lower, or with 'extra' notes within the same melody.

Think of it as one car (the theme) with lots of options …

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Free and Low-Cost Concerts You're Missing Out On

In addition to the fantastic, professional organizations that we have here in the Twin Cities (and around the country!), there are loads of interesting free and low-cost concerts you may be missing out on. The programming is different, the presentation can be more relaxed. Add variety and some new music genres to your concert season.

Colleges and universities everywhere have music departments brimming with students, majors and non-majors alike, who are studying with the best teachers in the US. …

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When (Not) to Clap at a Concert

For classical music newbies and those who've been put off of classical music by classical music snobs, the convention of clapping at a classical music concert is a bit of a mystery. However it's easier than you think! Here are a few rules of thumb for when to clap. And when not to clap.

1. When it's a welcome:  clap when the featured musicians come on stage. (If you're not sure who they are, don't clap.)

If you're at an orchestra concert, the orchestra is usually already on stage when the conce…

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Make in Me a Clean Heart - Mache Dich mein Herze rein

Johann Sebastian Bach wrote several of the greatest pieces in Oratorio literature, one of them being the Matthaeus-Passion, the St. Matthew Passion. And from this, the wonderful aria "Mache dich mein Herze rein," in English "Make in me a clean heart."

You don't need to speak German to understand this one.


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