Central Lutheran Church - June 22, 2014

Sunday, June 22, 2014

10:00 a.m.


"Praises and Prayers" by Virgil ThomsonVirgil Thomson, composer

1. From The Canticle of the Sun (St. Francis of Assissi)

2. My Master Hath a Garden (Anonymous)

3. Jerusalem, My Happy Home (Anonymous stanzas on "Mater Hierusalem Civitas Sancta Dei" from The Meditations of Saint Augustine, Ch. XXV)


with Mark Sedio, piano


Central Lutheran Church

333 S 12th St.

Minneapolis, MN  55404


The song cycle "Praises and Prayers" is only rarely performed and many have never hear…

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Academia Teatro del Lago - Frutillar, Temuco y Santiago, Chile

St. John Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach

April 16-21, 2014


I'll be joining the chorus to sing this masterpiece under the baton of Helmuth Rilling.

Here is the schedule of events:

April 16th:  Masterclass

April 17th:  Masterclass

April 18th:  Lecture Concert, Frutillar

April 19th:  Concert, Teatro del Lago, Frutillar

April 20th:  Lecture Concert, Temuco

April 21st:  Lecture Concert, Santiago


A couple of numbers:

This will also be my 1st visit to Chile, 2nd visit to South America…

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Presentation Vespers - February 2, 2014

Johann Sebastian Bach Cantata 161 Komm, du süße Todesstunde (Come, you sweet hour of death)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

4:30 p.m. | free will offering


The Christ Church Choir with friends from the Elm Ensemble

Nicole Warner, alto

Craig Lemming, tenor

Paul Boehnke, conductor

Baroque Chamber Orchestra


Christ Church Lutheran

3244 34th Ave S

Minneapolis, MN 55406


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Durufle Requiem - October 26, 2013

Saturday, October 26th, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.

Requiem - Maurice Duruflé

Gloria - Francis Poulenc



Durufle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Nicole Warner, mezzo-soprano

Gerard Sundberg, baritone

Rebecca Whitney, soprano

Richard Hynson, conductor

Bel Canto Chorus

Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra


Christ King Parish
2604 N Swan Blvd
Wauwatosa, WI 53226


I am thrilled to announce this upcoming performance with the Bel Canto Chorus and Richard Hynson. We've traveled South America together, w…

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Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot - November 17, 2013

J. S. Bach Kantata BWV 39 Brich dem Hungrigen dein Brot (Break your bread for those who hunger)

Sunday, November 17th, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. church service, all are welcome


Paul Boehnke, conductor

Nicole Warner, alto

The Choir at Olivet Congregational Church


1850 Iglehart Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104

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Vespers of Remembrance- November 10, 2013

Commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Kristallnacht.


Johann Sebastian Bach Cantata 106 Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (God's time is the very best time)

Heinrich Schütz Warum toben die Heiden (Why do the Heathen rage together?)


Sunday, November 10th, 2013

4:30 pm | free will offering


Christ Church Lutheran
3244 34th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55406




The Elm Ensemble



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Mozart's Requiem - May 19, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.

Admission is Free

Free-will donation


Mozart Sancta Maria, mater dei, K. 273

Mozart Requiem


Linh Kauffman, soprano

Nicole Warner, mezzo-soprano

Craig Lemming, tenor

Aaron Larson, baritone

Joyce Larson, conductor

St. John's Oratorio Chorus

St. John's Chamber Orchestra


St. John's Lutheran Church

4842 Nicollet Ave

Minneapolis, MN 55419




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Handel's Messiah - May 5, 2013

Handel's Messiah

with the St. Catherine Choral Society


3 p.m.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Premiere: Tribute, a cantata honoring the life of Russell B. Connors (New work by Albert Biales, text by Russ Connors)
Patricia C. Connors, conductor

Kristie Tigges, soprano

Nicole Warner, mezzo-soprano

Rick Penning, tenor

Mike Schmidt, bass


O'Shaughnessy Auditorium
University of St. Catherine
2004 Randolph Ave.
St. Paul, MN  55105

$10 / $5 / Free with SCU ID


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Christmas Oratorio - December 7 & 8, 2013

Georges de La Tour: Adoration of the shepherds...

Georges de La Tour: Adoration of the shepherds (1644) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Johann Sebastian Bach Christmas Oratorio, Parts I - III


Carrie Henneman-Shaw, soprano

Nicole Warner, alto

Roy Heilman, tenor

Jonathan ten Brink, bass

Paul Boehnke, Conductor

Bach Society of Minnesota


Saturday and Sunday, December 7th & 8th, 2013


More details to follow.


This was the first oratorio in which I ever sang solo professionally after Grad School and it was my European Debut concert…

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